Anna has a new adventure!
In November – through travel and sickness and other distractions – I persevered through NaNoWriMo and completed the first draft for the next Animal Justice Club Mystery. Here’s a hint: Now onto editing! Happy New Year!
In November – through travel and sickness and other distractions – I persevered through NaNoWriMo and completed the first draft for the next Animal Justice Club Mystery. Here’s a hint: Now onto editing! Happy New Year!
In the past goals have kinda been how Jack Sparrow described the Pirate Code – more like guidelines. You know what I mean. A suggestion; a guidepost; an option. I understand now that for most of my life I’ve navigated goals and goal setting from a lack of realizing my own personality and how childhood …
Thanks To Everyone! Wow! I’m so grateful over 900 people signed up to win an e-copy of my book Anna Wells and the Mystery of the Dusty Duchess! Congratulations to the winners! I truly hope you enjoy the story. For those who didn’t win I hope you still want to read about how Dusty became …
Ever since I can remember I’ve connected to nature and animals better than people. I was a tree climber from a young age. We had the tallest tree in town. It was a huge spruce. I remember climbing it nearly to the top and looking to the horizon around the small prairie town I called …
I Talk to the Trees…and to the animals… and to myself Read More »
North Vancouver Island – and I’m talking about the REAL North Vancouver Island – 200 kilometres north of Campbell River, is breathtakingly beautiful. There are small isolated communities; island communities; and larger centres such as Port Hardy and Port McNeill. So why did I fictionalize the communities of North Vancouver Island in my novel Anna Wells …
Why Did I Fictionalize the towns on North Vancouver Island Read More »
I wrote this story in 2007 – very early in my writing career. I’m sharing it without editing it – Scary! Horses are heart animals – intuitive compassionate healers. I hope you enjoy this short story. Terry Ruth Fit To Be Tied 02/15/07 Terry Ruth Eissfeldt Riding down the long stretch of white sand astride …
A common question for a new author is, “Why did you write this story?” I suppose a pre-writing question could also be, “Why do you think you should write this story?” My answer to both questions is the the same: Because I promised. Dusty/Duchess is based on a real pony, of the same name, who …
Rough Collies – made famous by authors Eric Knight (Lassie) Albert Payson Terhune (Lad) are, to me and my family the best property, farm and family dogs. Over the course of 20+ years we had four. They truly are “furry guardian angels”. Rory, a blue merle rough collie is featured in my book, Anna Wells and …
This is Duchess the summer before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We basically called her the Wild Pony of Hyde Creek because we just opened her stall every morning and let her graze and wander at will. Man alive I miss this sweet soul! But today she’s looking for all my American family and friends. …
Where are all my American Family and Friends at? Read More »